Hello World!

Come meet up with fellow hackers, cybersecurity enthusiasts, and the like! The first Friday of every month we get together at the FedEx Institute of Technology, share some food (probably pizza), and share stories/info on infosec. We are always looking for new presentors or topic suggestions!

March 7, 2024

Meetup Link

Ostrich Lab invites you to crack the mysteries of The Secret Farm, a re-release of our first-ever CTF challenge, set in the most suspicious ostrich farm you've ever seen. Behind the fences lie hidden exploits, cryptic puzzles, and a few feathered surprises. Think you can outsmart the keepers and uncover what’s really going on? Test your skills and see if you can make it out with more than just a trail of feathers. To take on this challenge, you’ll need two things:

After the contest, we’ll walk through the full puzzle, breaking down every twist and turn. But first—can you uncover the truth on your own?

February 7, 2024


Keys are important. They open doors, start cars, and protect valuables. They come in different shapes and materials... and get lost easily. Or stolen. Or duplicated. And sometimes, they aren't necessary at all. This month, let's talk about keys, locks, doors, motion sensors, pressure plates, and all the other gadgets made to keep unwanted people from certain places, and ways to exploit those systems. We'll also talk a little bit about Locksport, what it is (and isn't), and how you can learn & practice the completely legal skill of lockpicking.

January 3, 2024

New Year, New You: How to Create a Fake Identity! This month let's discuss what an "identity" is, both online and otherwise. Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking evening where we explore the creative and strategic aspects of personal reinvention. All discussions are welcome, whether you're looking to refresh your online presence, trying to leave the country and disappear entirely, delve into the world of storytelling, or simply gain insights into how identities are constructed and perceived. We will share tips on crafting compelling narratives, managing digital footprints, and the ethical considerations of personal transformation. Bring your curiosity and leave with a toolkit for a fresh start in 2025!

December 6, 2024

There are certain tools every hacker is expected to have in their toolbox. For anyone who messes with web applications, one such essential tool is the Burp Suite. Burp Suite offers insight into everything client-side. allows a number of automations, and is heavily customizable through extensions. This December, null0perat0r is giving us an entry-level introduction and demonstration.

November 1, 2024

Ever wondered how the mundane can be the backbone of greatness? This month in Squirrel's talk “Boring things are still important in Cybersecurity,” we’ll explore how the seemingly unremarkable elements of our daily routines hold significant value in keeping our digital world safe. Get ready to discover why the ordinary is anything but boring when it comes to protecting our data and privacy.

October 4, 2024

This month we're taking a look inside penetration testing process using Faction with null0perat0r! Faction is an open-source framework for automated penetration report generation and real-time collaboration. This tool allows teams to share attack payloads, notes, and findings efficiently. null0perat0r is a Memphis local security engineer, pen tester, full stack developer, and musician recently featured at Vegas DEFCON32

September 6, 2024

MEMSEC has relocated! We are now in room 225 of the FedEx Institute of Technology at the University of Memphis. This month we will be discussing recent cybersecurity headlines, and the process of keeping up with all the news and changes in the industry. Let's cooperate and share ideas so that attendees can leave with several resources and strategies for staying afloat.

August 2, 2024

DEFCON is happening in a week!! About a year ago I went to my first DEFCON, and immediately started planning these events to keep riding that same high. This month's discussion will be about what to expect at DEFCON (or most any hacker conference, really). If you've been, please come and share your experience! Maybe we can do some organizing for anyone who is planning to go this year, too.

July 5, 2024 -- Data Loss Prevention

How do you protect sensitive information? What do you do when that information has been compromised? How different are these methods for personal versus professional use? This month we are discussing Data Loss Prevention, what tools and methods are available, how they might fail and what to do about that.

June 7, 2024 -- Wifi Hacking

How easy is it to crack modern wifi, anyway? What is promiscuous mode, and what does that have to do with stealing passwords or intercepting network traffic? Do you know the difference between WEP and WPA, or WPA2 vs WPA3? In this session, let's talk about your experiences and favorite tools for good ole 802.11. Does none of this make any sense to you? Come on by anyway! We're very n00b friendly and someone here can certainly answer whatever questions you may have.

May 3, 2024 -- Car Hacking

Cars have been heavily engineered to be physically secure, but how safe are their electronics? How much can they be remotely secured, tracked, controlled? How often is this already happening? This month's topic is car hacking. We will discuss infotainment systems, CANbus/OBD2, cellular/wireless attacks... and anything else we feel like talking about.

April 5, 2024 -- Lockpicking and other bypasses to Physical Access

"To a hacker, a closed door is an insult, and a locked door is an outrage." --Steven Levy, (from Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution)

There's always been a large overlap between hackers and the sport/hobby of lockpicking. Let's discuss physical access security, mechanical locks, and anything else we feel like. The hackerspace also has some practices locks as well! I have a single pick set I can share but if you have a set please bring them as well (-:

March 2, 2024 -- Social Engineering with generative AI

From kidnapping scares, to fake employment applications, to 25-million dollar scams, generative AI has already become quite a powerful tool for social engineers. Let's talk about headlines, our experiences so far, strategies used in attacking, and how to mitigate attacks from this new threat vector.

February 2, 2024

Can't really escape discussion of AI this and AI that these days, huh? A friend of mine wrote a book not on using AI but on attacking the AI itself, and I'm just about finished reading it. So I figure a good topic for a round-table discussion today would be anything AI related in cybersecurity.

January 5, 2024

HackerMane will be doing a presentation on introductory USB attacks including Rubber Ducky and OMG devices, as well as how to create your own with cheap dev boards/microcontrollers.
As always, there will be free food!

December meeting cancelled

Sorry folks, but we will be unable to host on the 1st and the rest of the month is generally too busy. We will be returning in January!

November 3, 2023

HackerMane showed how easy it is to build and flash new firmware on the a Flipper Zero

October 6, 2023

Great meeting! A couple of return visitors and a few new faces. null0perat0r demoed his BurpSuite plugin, NoPE Proxy, and showed us how it can be used to MitM mobile apps (or anything using websockets)

September 8, 2023

Our first meeting! Nearly a dozen visitors and great conversations!